Dufferin Mall

Help Support The Diaper Bank of Toronto

Mar 26

Dufferin Mall has partnered with the Diaper Bank of Toronto to accept donations of infant and child diapers for families and children in need.

Donations of loose, opened and new packages of child diapers (sizes premie to size 6) as well as unopened wipes and formula can be dropped off at our Guest Services desk.

All donations are distributed to the Diaper Bank of Toronto’s partner agencies.

On Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 we were honoured to do our first donation of over 1,500 diapers to Romero House, a charitable organization, and partner agency with the Diaper Bank of Toronto, offering transitional housing and immigration settlement support. (https://romerohouse.org/).  As of December 31st, 2024, we have managed to donate just over 3,000 diapers, plus formula and wipes, to various Toronto Diaper Bank partner agencies.

Please visit www.thediaperbank.ca to learn more.

Please be advised, we DO NOT accept adult diapers, bottles, clothing or other baby gear.

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